What to expect at your visit?
The most difficult step in improving your hearing is the first one: recognizing you need to find out more about your hearing ability and improving your situation.
After that, it’s easy. Simply schedule your initial hearing consultation. Most appointments consist of the following steps:
It is important for your hearing care professional to have a good understanding of things like when you first noticed that you are having a hearing loss, if you had hearing assessments previously and the result. If both ears are the same, if you have Tinnitus, discharge or any other medical ear conditions.
We will have a look at your ear canal and eardrum with our high end video otoscope to make sure there is nothing which impedes or prohibits the hearing assessment. This will be followed by taking your ear impressions which we need to see what sort of Hearing Aids will fit best into your ears.
Together we will evaluate your Hearing Handicap Index and perform a detailed hearing sensitivity assessment to get a full and objective picture of your hearing situation and how it affects all aspects of your life.
Hearing Aids technology level will be objectively chosen based on the frequency shape of your hearing assessment and your Hearing Handicap Index. The Style of your Hearing Aids and convenience features will be entirely up to you to choose.
Getting Hearing Aids is just the first step of an ongoing process of rehabilitating your hearing. Depending on duration of your hearing problem and your Hearing Handicap Index more or less intensive and long time rehabilitation might be necessary.
We have served more than 10,000 happy customers across Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Check out what they say about us when you drop by any of our hearing centres.

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